You know it's going to be an interesting evening when you're 100 miles from any highway and 20 from a paved road and walk into a mountain top saloon that's filled with mountain men, cowboys, dogs, and a wolf. I'm sure a lot of people would have very much doubted their judgement as to the series of events that would lead them to a place like this but I was all smiles. The guy who led me to this devil's den asked the bartender to share some moonshine with me and she gave a disgusted look at the idea but nonetheless whipped out a gallon finger jug labeled in pencil "Cook's special" and poured me a taste. Now I know why the rednecks in cartoons always breathe fire when they drink moonshine! She didn't bother asking if I wanted more because obviously I did not. As the evening progressed, I got to know everyone in the entire village, everyone in the village over, and of everyone in the next valley. 75 miles off a dirt road leads you to highway 50, nicknamed "The Loneliest Road" on every map. So obviously I was OUT there.
The series of events that led me to this ghost town in the mountains: I headed west on hwy 6. I knew I was in for some good times because of this sign:
Also...because Nevada is the BEST state to go to if you want a good story to tell. I've never visited the state without having an adventure. The first time, I met a group of snowboarders that invited me to stay with them for a week. The second time, a woman came up to me and told me my past and future. This is the also state where I stayed at the haunted campsite.
I decided to take a 500 mile detour and retrace some of the steps I took when I was in the Silver state 3 years ago. Should I go shower at the hot springs where a huge pack of coyotes decided to interrupt my last bathing session? Absolutely! This time: successful. Only one wild bunny and no other wild creatures. Though, a van full of Korean tourists snapped a few pictures of me sitting in a bikini washing my hair in the naturally warm spring waters. Thanks, guys. I have no idea where they would even be coming from as this hot springs was is probably 200 miles from Vegas and even more from Reno.
After my nice shower, I headed north. Some voice kept on nagging on me to visit a semi ghost town I had visited on my previous trip even though it was several miles out of the way. I shrugged and listed to the voice. Sure glad I did because then I ended up following a group of people down a long dirt road to a town unmarked. After a fun evening meeting everyone and hearing cool stories, a nice couple I met there let me stay in their house. This morning I went for a lovely jog through the hills. Jogging at 7500 feet is just as slow and painful as jogging in Alabama August humidity. When I left, they sent me away with the best lunch/dinner/lunch the next day.
Although a group invited me to join them to go rope cattle in the mountains, it just won't work out for me to be gone for an overnight trip. So I missed out on probably the experience of a lifetime but don't they say, when one door closes, another one opens? Only a few more days left on this trip so hopefully one opens soon!
That one wild bunny would have been a good meal, and Ms. Stephanie, those Koreans I believe were from Korea.