Friday, September 9, 2011

Watery Maze of Death

So I decided on my way north to Scranton, PA, I would go creepy stalk the Amish as I've had a strange obsession with them as long as I can remember. I had two choices:

a. Proceed quickly north to avoid possible closed roads and flood damage.
b. Ignore warnings and move into the side roads in hope of spotting the Amish in their own turf.

The correct answer was a.
I chose b.

I stopped at a town right next to the river and watched the water overtake a park. Deciding maybe it was a good idea to move more inland and uphill, I turned northeast on side roads. It would have been so much better if all the roads would have just been dead ends due to flooding, but I was driving around AS the river and creek water was rapidly rising, spilling over banks and overwhelming the sewer systems. It was sort of like a nightmare because I would start driving down a side road, really not knowing where I was or where I was going, then the water would start spilling out from the right, covering the road.

I would make a U turn and try another. After 5 hours of repeating this process and continuing to watch the roads wash out before my eyes and in a couple of instances trapping me between flooded roads, I decided to stay in the ghetto town of Lebanon. This was the town I least wanted to be in, but the 7 exits out were all flooded and closed. So I stayed at a Quality Inn parking lot to see if it would be any better the next morning.

Today was the first day I washed my hair in a Dunkin Donuts bathroom. I thought I had no shame before but the disgusted look on the old couple's faces when they saw me emerge from the ladies' room with a towel around my hair and a shower caddy in my hands, I realized I think I have hit an all time low. Worse than the make-shift showers in my bikini outside rest stop bathrooms or brushing my teeth from a public fountain. I probably shouldn't be putting this in writing either.

So, all in all I'm ok. I'm heading towards more flood damage in New York but the waters have begun to recede.

Oh yeah, and after all that effort, I never saw one Amish person.

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